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I write regularly for media outlets including the London Review of Books, the Los Angeles Review of Books, Americas Quarterly, The Conversation, The Inter-American Dialogue, Latin America Bureau and elsewhere, on Colombia, peace, anthropology, and other topics. Find my media archive here together with podcasts, interviews and assorted video materials.


‘Why Are Rights Activists Targeted in Colombia?’ 6 February 2023, Featured Q&A, Latin America Advisor for The Dialogue. 

‘The Social Contract under Scrutiny’ (co-authored with Miranda Sheild Johansson), 3 February 2023, Anthropology News website 

‘Colombia’s Territorial Peace Councils could be tools for building ‘total peace’’ (co-authored with Angélica Sepúlveda), 19 December 2022, LSE Latin American and Caribbean Centre Blog. Also in Spanish: 

‘Petro’s First 100 Days: Peace Takes Priority’ (co-authored with Andrei Gómez-Suárez), 15 November 2022, Canning House Blog. 

‘Short Cuts: The Election of Gustavo Petro’, 7 July 2022, London Review of Books. 

‘Moving Between Academic Anthropology and Practitioner Work’ (co-authored with Winifred Tate, Erin McFee, Gillian Tett, & Melissa Maceyko), 31 August 2022, Anthropology News website. 

‘Has Security in Colombia Improved Under Duque?’ 21 April 2022, Featured Q&A, Latin America Advisor for The Dialogue. 

‘Cinco años después del plebiscito por la paz: polarización y reconciliación’ (co-authored with Andrei Gómez-Suárez and Clara Rocío Rodríguez), 5 December 2021, Razón Pública. 

‘The New PoLAR Editors Discuss Accidental and Activist Anthropology and Political Journal-Making’ (co-authored with Sindiso Mnisi Weeks, Georgina Ramsay, and Melissa Maceyko), 12 November 2021, Anthropology News website.

‘Collaborative Manifesto for Political Anthropology in an Age of Crises’ (co-authored with David Vine, David N. Gellner, Mark Schuller, Alpa Shah, Chandra L. Middleton, and Melissa Maceyko), 16 July 2021, Anthropology News website.

‘Can Colombia find a Peaceful Way to End Deadly Unrest?’ 11 May 2021, Featured Q&A, Latin America Advisor for The Dialogue. 

‘Government Peace Pedagogy in Colombia’, 13 April 2021, Anthropology News. 

‘Why are Colombian Rights Activists Being Targeted?’ 11 March 2021, Featured Q&A, Latin America Advisor for The Dialogue. 

‘Trump, Venezuela and the ELN: The Geopolitics of Peace in Colombia’ (co-authored with Karen Arteaga Garzón, Andrei Gómez-Suárez and Germán Otálora Gallego), 1 July 2020, Americas Quarterly. 

‘Will the Stars (and Stripes) Align for Peace with the ELN?’ (co-authored with Karen Arteaga Garzón, Andrei Gómez-Suárez and Germán Otálora Gallego), 18 June 2020, Embrace Dialogue. and also available in Spanish.

‘COVID-19: A Window of Opportunity for Negotiations with the ELN?’ (co-authored with Andrei Gómez-Suárez), 25 April 2020, Embrace Dialogue. Also available in Spanish

Justice After War: Innovations and Challenges of Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace’, 3 April 2020 (co-authored with Par Engstrom, Andrei Gómez-Suárez and Jenny Pearce), LSE Latin America and Caribbean Centre Blog.

 ‘On Birds of Passage’, 23 May 2019, Birds Eye View.

‘8 lecciones que dejó la pedagogía del proceso de paz’ (co-authored with María Paula Prada and María Isabel Cristina González), 20 May 2019, Semana Educación. 

‘Will Colombia’s Peace Deal Lead to History Repeating Itself?’, 7 January 2019, The Globe Post. 

‘Chocolate and Peace’, 2018, Palgrave Macmillan Author Perspectives.

‘Peacebuilding and Tourism in Colombia’ (co-authored with Andrei Gómez-Suárez and Lucia Mesa), November 2018, Tourism Watch. 

‘Short Cuts: The Colombian Peace Process’, 5 July 2018, London Review of Books. 

‘Colombia struggles to build trust in the state as peace process rumbles on’, 14 June 2018, The Conversation. 

‘Colombia’s Unsung Heroes’, 7 June 2018, LSE Latin America and Caribbean Centre Blog. Also available in Spanish:

‘Demobilisation in Llano Grande’, 25 August 2017, LRB Blog. 

‘Colombia: What does Peace Mean in Comuna 13?’, 13 March 2017, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Peace in Colombia?’, 1 December 2016, LRB Blog. 

‘Peace on the Street in Trafalgar Square’, 28 October 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘No!: The Colombian Referendum’, 20 October 2016, London Review of Books. 

‘Colombia: An Ending and a Beginning’, 28 September 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: Throwing Open the Doors’, 26 September 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: Building the First Bridge’, 14 September 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: Will the People Say Yes to Peace?’, 29 August 2016, Latin America Bureau.

‘Colombia: End of Conflict Agreement Signed’, 30 June 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: Shakespeare and the Peace Process’, 25 May 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: FARC’s words to the intellectuals’, 8 April 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: Commemorating the Mulatos Massacre’, 27 February 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: The Biggest Conversation in the World’, 9 February 2016, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: Students Tell Amazing Stories’, 20 December 2015, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: Historic Agreement Reached for Victims’, 17 December 2015, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Paramilitaries Active in San José de Apartadó’, 8 November 2015, Latin America Bureau. 

‘The Lettered City: Political Graffiti in the Nacional University’, 2 November 2015, Latin America Bureau. 

‘Colombia: Peace, the Peace Community and Social Reconciliation’, 22 October 2015, Latin America Bureau.

‘The Power of Refusal’, September 2013, Latino Life Magazine. 


‘Peace and Statehood in Colombia’ on Colombia Calling podcasts about the book The Face of Peace, in conversation with Dr Andrei Gómez-Suárez and Emily Hart, 2022. 

‘Gwen Burnyeat, co-director of ‘Chocolate of Peace’, Well Tempered, April 2019

Apple podasts:

‘Chocolate of Peace with Gwen Burnyeat’ on Colombia Calling podcast about the making of the film, 2016


‘‘The Face of Peace: Dr Gomez-Suarez speaks with Dr Gwen Burnyeat’, on Talking Peace, Exploring Conflict, October 2021

Apple podasts: 


Listen online: 


‘Colombia’s Peace Process: 5 Signs of Progress’. Interview for Peace News (short video). 6 November 2023. 

Interview with Gwen by Antonio de Lauri about the 2023 Public Anthropologist Award. Public Anthropologist. 22 February 2023: 

‘Colombia, Gwen Burnyeat’ (Spanish and English). Fine Cacao and Chocolate Institute Conversation Series with Sofia Colmenares. 2 May 2022. 

Giraldo, Isabel López. ‘Gwen Burnyeat: “El individuo y la sociedad se autoconstruyen mutuamente”, Historias de vida’ (Spanish). El Espectador. 9 March 2021. 

‘Q&A Revisited, Chocolate of Peace with Gwen Burnyeat’. London Film School. 14 November 2016. 

‘Cocoa versus conflict in Colombia’, article by Michael Gillard about the film Chocolate of Peace. Al Jazeera. 13 July 2016. 


Webinar, ‘Polarización y Reconciliación en Colombia: un balance académico a 5 años del plebiscito por la paz’, hosted by Rodeemos el Diálogo. 7 October 2021 (in Spanish).

Gwen Burnyeat.jpg

‘Bridgebuilding as part of Peacebuilding’: Alternative to War Conference hosted by the Movement for the Abolition of War (Gwen starts at 2hr35min), 14 September 2024. (NB sign up for a free account to access).

‘Presentación del libro “La cara de la paz: Gobierno, pedagogía de paz y desinformación en Colombia”’, Universidad de Antioquia, en conversación con María Ochoa, 1 de agosto de 2024

Launch of the Spanish edition of Chocolate, politica y construcción de paz in the Libería Lerner, Bogotá, with comments from Prof Myriam Jimeno and translator Santiago Paredes, chaired by Prof Ana María Forero. 11 August 2022.

'Civil Society Involvement in Peacebuilding in Colombia’: A dialogue between Gwen Burnyeat and Andrei Gómez-Suárez with Abingdon Peace Group, 17 January 2024.

‘Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar Series’: a series of eight seminars chaired by Gwen, with academics working on different aspects of peace and conflict in Colombia, talking about their work and its policy implications in conversation with a discussant. Hosted by Merton College and Rodeemos el Diálogo. Resource page with full playlist: 

Prize panel for LASA/Oxfam Martin Diskin Dissertation Award at the Latin American Studies Association annual conference, May 2021, in which Gwen presents her PhD thesis The Face of Peace (in English from 13.11).

Webinar ‘Dis/information and peace’ in which Gwen shares lessons from the Colombian referendum (Gwen starts at 1.10). Hosted by OxPeace and Rodeemos el Diálogo. 23 February 2021.

Conference, ‘Justicia transicional en entornos de alto risego,’ hosted by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and the Javeriana University in Colombia, in which Gwen discusses the role of polarisation. 5 February 2021 (in Spanish, from 42.10).

Gwen Burnyeat - Budowanie Mostów Ameryki Połduniowej: Kolumbijska Czekolada Pokoju / 13 lipca 2016 / Talk about the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó and the Colombian peace process in Poland, in conversation with Krzysztof Czyżewski at the Borderlands Foundation. 15 July 2016 (in Polish and English with translation).

Discurso de grado en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 6 April 2016.

‘Lecciones No Aprendidas: Invitada Gwen Burnyeat, académica de la Universidad de Oxford’, conversation with Hassan Akram on Chilean TV program La voz de los que sobran, comparing the Chilean referendum on the constitution with the Colombian peace referendum (Spanish). 15 August 2022.

Short clip of Gwen summarising Chocolate, política y construcción de paz,

Spanish edition (Spanish) for the Editorial del Rosario. 16 August 2022.

‘La Cooperación entre una Entidad de Estado y la Sociedad Civil’, panel en el encuentro ‘Verdad y no Repetición: Legado para Colombia y para la Justicia Transicional en el Mundo’, organizado por la Comisión de la Verdad en Bogotá, 29 November 2022. In Spanish, from 3.42.

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